Here’s to new beginnings!

Well it’s 1st September 2022 and it’s launch day. Instead of preparing to go back to school I’m out in the world!

I’m absolutely delighted to be launching Jon Skelton Performance Solutions or JS-PS for short. I am a one man band on a mission to help as many people with their mental “performance” as I can. I called it performance solutions because that’s exactly what I intend to provide…solutions for peoples’ (poor) performance.

The Oxford Dictionary defines performance as;

“how well or badly you do something; how well or badly something works”

So how does that fit in to what I do? Well firstly I think it’s important to point out that performance isn’t exclusively for those people playing high level sport or in a high powered job. For me performance is woven into our everyday lives. It’s about being able to get the best out yourself without a perceived barrier getting in the way. For some it might be crippling social anxiety that means that they can’t get out and meet friends so they feel isolated? For others it might be that they are getting grief off the boss for their absence as they can’t get out of bed on some days. They might be a parent or a husband or wife and not at their best because their stress levels are through the roof. Lacking confidence meaning they never go for promotions at work. Being scared of flying so they don’t ever take that trip they’ve always wanted to go on. These are all examples of how people are underperforming and not getting the best out of their “everyday” lives.

Mental performance and mental health can be enhanced when we understand what is going on inside our heads. Our mind is the most incredible piece of kit. When its working for us we can accomplish the most incredible things. But when its against us the affects can be catastrophic. Fortunately for most of us, with a bit of a tweak we can quickly be back on top of things. As has been said many times before, “knowledge is power”, and when you can understand why you behave the way you do, or feel the way you do, you are better equipped to face up to the problem and work through it.

This pretty much sums up what you’ll find with the work that I do with my clients. Essentially figuring out what is stopping them from “performing” and them helping them find a solution to the under perfomance. For some people this may come in the form of Solution Focused Hypnotherapy, for others is may be Coaching. But whatever we do together, I’ll have them using their brain to enhance their performance, not sabotage it. When we’re finished they’ll be equipped with the tools and strategies to overcome the barriers and get to where they want to be, performing at their best again.

Please spead the word about the help that I can provide for people. Now, more than ever, we need use the tools we have at our disposal to overcome the challenges society is facing at the moment.

Thanks so much much for reading. If I can help you in any way, please get in touch at


We all need help sometimes.